Hey! My name is Sarah Fritts, the founder of Think Aviation. I have been involved in the aviation community for over 25 years.

I started this website because I couldn’t find answers to more complex or, let’s be honest, even simple aviation questions.
I struggled. I felt like an idiot and I knew I wasn’t the only one.
- Have you ever struggled to apply written directions to real-world flying?
- Have you ever read an aviation article and come away more confused than when you started?
- Do you want to become a better pilot?
There tons of aviation websites that promise to help you pass your check ride.
But what about after the check ride? What next? Where do we go for answers when we’re on our own?
There is no quick fix to becoming comfortable in the aircraft. It takes work, hard work, consistent work, and productive work. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information available.
Where do you start?
Think Aviation can help.
This site is here to answer your aviation questions in the most practical way possible. How do real pilots tackle everyday flying?
There are three parts to Think Aviation:
- The Blog: an assortment of articles to help you in all areas of aviation
- The Newsletter: a weekly email full of actionable aviation tips, tricks, and resources.
- The Resource Page: a list of books, websites, and equipment that are geared toward helping you reach your full potential
Who am I to run a site like this?
Let me be crystal clear:
I am not an expert. I still have a lot to learn.
I am not a CFI but I do teach ground school at a major airline.
I wouldn’t even call myself a particularly experienced aviator. But I’ve had some incredible experiences.

I have been involved in the aviation community for over 25 years. I have accumulated almost 5,000 hours about 1,200 of which are in Army helicopters. I have my ATP Fixed Wing and Commercial Helicopter rating as well as my single-engine private rating (which I rarely use).
I am also a West Point graduate and combat veteran with 20 years of leading Army aviation soldiers.
I flew the OH-58D helicopter during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and I flew a C-12 in Afghanistan in 2013. I currently fly the Boeing 737 for a major airline.
So, yeah, I have some experience, but I am STILL learning.
I am merely trying to become the best pilot possible.
I created this website and videos for selfish reasons. I knew that writing articles, books and creating courses about aviation would help me become a better pilot.
Teaching is the ultimate form of learning.
I figured if I am struggling with these topics then other pilots must be too. I know there are people out there just like me trying to get better.
Enough about me. What about you?
How’s your aviation career going?
Do you want to become a better pilot and put in the work to get there?
Then sign up for email updates below and in return, I promise to give you insanely valuable aviation information.
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